
Learn Swedish while watching Harry Potter

written by:  Krystof-Sandor Harfst

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Learning a new language can be a fun and rewarding experience, and one way to make it more enjoyable is by using materials that you already enjoy. If you are a fan of the Harry Potter series, you may be interested in learning Swedish by watching the movies in Swedish. This can be a great way to pick up new vocabulary and practice your listening skills while also enjoying a beloved story.

Tips for learning Swedish with Harry Potter

Here are a few tips for learning Swedish with Harry Potter:

  1. Start by finding the Swedish versions of the movies. You can usually find them on streaming platforms or by purchasing physical copies.
  2. Use subtitles to help you follow along. It can be helpful to have the Swedish audio and English subtitles available so that you can see the translations of the words and phrases as you hear them.
  3. Pay attention to common phrases and words that are repeated frequently. These are often the most important and useful phrases to learn in any language.
  4. Practice your pronunciation by repeating what you hear. This can help you get a feel for the rhythms and sounds of the language.
  5. Consider using a Swedish-English dictionary or language learning app to help you look up and learn new words.

Harry Potter vocabulary list

Now for the vocabulary list! Here are a few common words and phrases that you may encounter while watching Harry Potter in Swedish:

  • magi: magic
  • trollkarl: wizard
  • häxa: witch
  • trollformel: incantation
  • livstid: lifetime
  • kräm: cream
  • gåta: puzzle
  • elixir: elixir
  • porträtt: portrait
  • trollstav: wand
  • förbannelser: curses
  • förtrollningar: enchantments
  • trollkonster: magic tricks
  • mörk konst: dark magic
  • magisk: magical
  • besvärjelse: spell
  • försvunnen: missing
  • dödsstav: deathstick
  • horcrux: horcrux
  • ministerium: ministry
  • ondska: evil
  • förbannelser: curses
  • beteende: behavior
  • försvara: defend
  • mörk lord: dark lord
  • oskuld: innocence
  • häxa kraft: witch power

Grammar and sentence structure in Harry Potter

In addition to learning new vocabulary, it's also important to focus on grammar and sentence structure as you learn Swedish. Here are a few grammatical concepts that you might encounter while watching Harry Potter in Swedish:

  • Plural form: In Swedish, the plural form of most nouns is created by adding an "s" to the end of the word. For example, the plural form of "trollkarl" (wizard) is "trollkarlar."
  • Present tense: The present tense in Swedish is used to describe actions that are happening now or that are always true. To form the present tense of regular verbs, you add an "r" to the end of the verb stem. For example, "skriver" (writes) is the present tense form of "skriv" (write).
  • Past tense: The past tense in Swedish is used to describe actions that have already happened. To form the past tense of regular verbs, you add an "de" to the end of the verb stem. For example, "skrev" (wrote) is the past tense form of "skriv" (write).

By practicing these grammatical concepts and expanding your vocabulary, you can improve your ability to understand and speak Swedish. With time and practice, you can become proficient in the language and be able to enjoy the Harry Potter movies in their original Swedish audio.

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